Namespace: joker.url
Parses URLs and implements query escaping.
Constants are variables with :const true in their metadata. Joker currently does not recognize them as special; as such, it allows redefining them or their values.-
Functions, Macros, and Special Forms
Function v1.3.6(parse-query s)
Parses the URL-encoded query string and returns a map listing the vectors of values specified for each key.
Always returns a non-nil map containing all the valid query parameters found.
Query is expected to be a list of key=value settings separated by ampersands. A setting without
an equals sign is interpreted as a key set to an empty value. Settings containing a non-URL-encoded
semicolon are considered invalid. -
Function v1.0(path-escape s)
Escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a URL path segment.
Function v1.0(path-unescape s)
Does the inverse transformation of path-escape, converting each 3-byte encoded
substring of the form "%AB" into the hex-decoded byte 0xAB. It also converts
'+' into ' ' (space). It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal digits.
PathUnescape is identical to QueryUnescape except that it does not unescape '+' to ' ' (space). -
Function v1.0(query-escape s)
Escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a URL query.
Function v1.0(query-unescape s)
Does the inverse transformation of query-escape, converting each 3-byte encoded
substring of the form "%AB" into the hex-decoded byte 0xAB. It also converts
'+' into ' ' (space). It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal digits.